From the outset, our main objective has been to promote sustainable tourism in the New Forest area.
Throughout the restoration and conversion of each farm building we have taken every care to ensure each cottage is as energy efficient as possible.
We have installed air source heat pumps to provide hot water and under floor heating. This form of energy is being widely promoted by the Government as one of the most environmentally friendly in its drive to bring down CO2 levels.
We also believe in supporting and promoting local businesses. Our welcome packs contain a range of locally grown and sourced produce. We have tried to furnish the cottages as much as possible with items made in Britain to try to do our little bit to support British manufacturing.
We believe tourism is vitally important to the economy of the area and, if correctly managed, can have a positive impact on keeping the New Forest National Park the unique and beautiful area it is today.
The Green Leaf Tourism Scheme
We are are very proud to be a member of the Green Leaf Tourism Scheme. This scheme encourages local businesses to reduce their carbon foot print by bringing in various green measures.
We are actively promoting the New Forest Marque. Only goods which have been grown, reared, caught, brewed or produced in the New Forest area can carry this marque and buying these products can go a long way to cut food miles and so reduce co2.
Attracting Wildlife to the Farm
We have set up a multitude of homemade bird boxes in the surrounding trees & barns at the farm. These have attracted Barn Owls, Little Owls & Tawny Owls.
We also get migrating Swallows nesting in the Summer months & Buzzards can often be seen soaring overhead.